

Automate your Enterprise!

AWX-RPM 23.9.0 has been released

Possibility to use an external database and run AWX-RPM in HA has been added

AWX-RPM 23.8.1 is out..

Updating should be as simple as:

  • Changing the version in /etc/yum.repos.d/awx-rpm.repo to 23.8.1
  • Running "dnf update awx-rpm"
  • Running "awx-manage migrate"
  • Running "systemctl restart awx-*"

Have fun

Update: 10-01-2023

Release of 23.6.0

  • Updating should now be as simple as changing the version in the ansible playbook, and rerunning the playbook (please report any issues)
  • I only spent about 2 hours to get from 23.5.1 -> 23.6.0, so the building seems to be A LOT more stable and easy now..
  • ...

Well, well, well.. 23.5.1 went pretty smoothly with the new building stuff..

  • Don't ask why the version is 23.5.2-***
  • The installer fails on the common systemd service (because I forgot to include it), but the rest works...
  • I haven't tested updates (or pretty much anything else).....

After a year that has been full of changes, I have now finally been able to get most of the cleanup and rebuild stuff done..

I know it's an old release, but 21.12.0 should now be ready for testing:

My main focus now is to get the newest AWX versi...

Well, well, well..

Something is ready.. not sure I should call it Alpha, Beta or Release Candidate, but I'll let you guys be the judges of that :)

But AWX-RPM 21.11.0 is now available for install..