

Automate your Enterprise!

  • AWX-RPM 24.2.0
  • awx-rpm-manage 1.2.0 (bugfixes)

Remember to update awx-rpm-manage before upgrading

Have fun

This release has taken some time, due to the move to python 3.11.. but it also seems to solve alot of the dependency issues.

Hopefully this will make everything easier moving forward.

I have also added some new tools to the building scripts.

And last, but not least, awx-rpm-manage has been...

I think it's about time that the AWX-RPM project gets its own Discord Channel.

Hope that some of you will join in :)

The AWX project has been moved from python 3.9 (default in RHEL) to python 3.11.. Even though 3.11 is present in RHEL, the build is not quite a straight forward.. but not hopeless in any way.. but build the new release, 24.1.0, will take some time..

Have patience :)

The AWX-RPM Management Tool has been released :)

So.. what does it do?

For now, it does "only" updating and control of package exclude lists..

But the exclude lists should help solve previous package conflicts, please report back if it doesn't.

So r...

AWX-RPM 24.0.0 has been released

PostgreSQL 15 is now supported by the AWX team

PostgreSQL 13 is still working