New build server, New installer, New maintainers, Same project

So.. after some time with a lot of work, we are now finally getting closer to have a new AWX-RPM build.. better, more stable and more maintainable (easier installation and upgrading)..

Builds have been changed so that only the releases (currently 11.2.0) are build, and not all commits as before..

After quiet some time being alone on this project (expect for all the GREAT feedback and fixes that you guys commit), the AWX-RPM project have now been moved into the competent hands of Miracle A/S, a Danish based company, where I also work...

I will of course still be on the project, but this means that we will now be more people to contribute...

During this transition, the building process has been changed, as well as the dependency handling (which I know caused alot of you trouble)..

I'm not saying that everything is perfect, but I believe that in a short time it will be as good, if not better than previously..

Right now there is no documentation on how to move from earlier (pre 11) AWX-RPM, and up to the current version, but this will be comming soon...

Also documentation on the new installer and upgrade tool is missing from but we hope to catch up soon..

But, what is ready, is the new installer.. RHEL8 still need a little work, and ppc64le packages will also be absent for now.. but CentOS7/8 and Red Hat 7 should work out of the box:

yum -y install python36
curl -o /root/awx-setup
chmod +x /root/awx-setup
/root/awx-setup -i

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